God cares so deeply about your life.
One of my favorite things to do with my free time is to find a cozy, safe place to drink a hot beverage with a woman who’s ready to share a heart to heart. While I love finding practical solutions to everyday problems, what makes me come alive is getting to the deep issues of the heart and ushering God into that very place. I love to go to all the places together: the sad ones, the happy ones, the painfully disappointing ones, the ones that feel empty, and the ones that feel like too much. I love to walk hand in hand and carefully sort through what needs to stay and what can go, with our sweet Savior gently leading us both. I know for myself and many others I’ve walked with through the years that God cares so so deeply and is touched with the feelings of own hearts. He is intimately involved in our soul life, thrilled to help us create something growing, energizing, and breathtaking if we give him the time and space.
A glimpse of my heart…
What I want to say to you, sweet friend, is there is a space for you here. Come away and rest, refresh, and refocus. If you’ve been feeling just so buried by life or motherhood, being crushed by all the demands and not even able to breathe any air to call your own, I want to help. While I can’t come feed your baby for the 10th feeding of the night (believe me, I want to!) so you can get some rest, I can tell you this: you matter. God never meant for you to become a martyr to motherhood. I would be honored if you let me walk with you as we revitalize your heart. Your heart and your desires matter. We can figure it out. Your life can be something you love again.